El Paso County
Elections Department
Lisa Wise, Elections Administrator
Countdown To Election Day
May 3, 2025
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El Paso County
Elections Department
Lisa Wise, Elections Administrator
mobile menu trigger
Am I Registered? Website Dashboard
Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The “Am I Registered?” search engine on the www.epcountyvotes.com website has been updated and will provide a more personalized experience for our voters. Users must populate all required fields; first name, last name and date of birth or their VUID number in order to complete the search. If a voter match is found, the dashboard will display the voter’s:

  • Voter Eligibility Detail
  • Elected Officials (By registered precinct)
  • Voting History (2015-Present)
  • Current Election Sample Ballot
  • Current Election Day Countywide Vote Centers

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to navigate the dashboard. For questions or assistance, please call our office at (915) 546-2154 or send us an email at epelections@epcounty.com.

Am I Registered? Dashboard Guide (PDF)