El Paso County
Elections Department
Lisa Wise, Elections Administrator
Countdown To Election Day
December 14, 2024
0 d 0 h 0 m
El Paso County
Elections Department
Lisa Wise, Elections Administrator
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Voters with Disabilities

El Paso County has made provisions to ensure voters with disabilities have the ability to cast their vote independently and in secret. Every polling place will provide an ADA compliant voting system accessible to voters with disabilities and offer an audio ballot specially for voters with vision or reading impairments.

Assistance at the Polls

Tell the election worker if you are a voter who needs assistance to vote, you do not have to provide proof of your disability.

Voters are entitled to receive assistance if they:

Voters may be assisted by:

Voters MAY NOT be assisted by:

It is illegal for a person assisting the voter to:

Voting Order Priority for Voters with Certain Disabilities

An election worker shall give order priority to individuals with a mobility problem that substantially impairs the person’s ability to move around (Texas Election Code, Section 63.0015).

Curbside Voting

If a voter is physically unable to enter the voting location without assistance or likelihood of injury to his or her health, they may ask that an election worker bring a voting unit during Early Voting or Election Day to their car at the entrance of the voting location. All curbside voters will be allowed the same privacy as a voter at the voting booth.

If a voter is physically unable to enter the polling place without assistance or likelihood of injury to his or her health, an election worker may deliver a ballot to the voter at the entrance or curb of the polling place (Texas Election Code, Section 64.009). If the voter is not only physically unable to enter the polling place, but is also eligible for voter assistance in marking his/her ballot:

Every polling place during the Early Voting period or on Election Day will designate a space for curbside voting. If you are a voter requesting curbside voting, you may call or text to request assistance. The phone number will be displayed in an A-Frame sign that will be placed at the designated spot. We ask that you park in front of the sign for assistance.

For more information please contact our office at (915)273-3597.

Additional Resources