The following training covers Early Voting procedures that are to be carried out at any Early Voting Location. The material presented on this page does not replace the mandatory in person training for Early Voting Judges and Clerks during an election.
Early Voting Poll Worker Training coming soon…
Electronic Poll Pad Instructions (Video)
Express Vote Instructions (Video)
Express Touch Instructions (Video)
DS200 Instructions (Video)
Optional Texas Secretary of State Training
This Texas Secretary of State web-based curriculum mirrors the Handbook for Election Judges and Clerks and will train Poll Workers about polling place procedures. In addition to the information found in the handbook, there are test questions, real life case studies/exercises to resolve and other interactive features such as voting equipment simulations specific to El Paso County. The online training is available free of charge, 24/7, for all Poll Workers in Texas.
Completion of all four sections of this online training is optional for all Early Voting Judges and Clerks before each election; there is no charge or compensation after completion. At the end of this training please complete the Early Voting Poll Worker Training Receipt to receive credit.
Should you have any questions with the training material presented in this page please call our office at (915) 273-3597.