El Paso County
Elections Department
Lisa Wise, Elections Administrator
Countdown To Election Day
May 3, 2025
0 d 0 h 0 m
El Paso County
Elections Department
Lisa Wise, Elections Administrator
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Limited & Emergency Ballots
Limited Ballot

Voters who have recently moved to El Paso County and have not yet registered to vote within the county may be eligible to cast a Limited Ballot during the Early Voting period (Texas Election Code, Section 112.001).

Elegibility: (a) After changing residence to another county, a person is eligible to vote a limited ballot by personal appearance during the early voting period or by mail if:(1) the person would have been eligible to vote in the county of former residence on election day if still residing in that county;(2) the person is registered to vote in the county of former residence at the time the person:(A) offers to vote in the county of new residence; or(B) submitted a voter registration application in the county of new residence; and(3) a voter registration for the person in the county of new residence is not effective on or before election day.

A “limited ballot” means a ballot voted under this chapter that is restricted to the offices and propositions stating measures on which a person is entitled to vote under Section 112.004.

Limited ballots are only available during the Early Voting period and at the main Early Voting Location located at 500 E. San Antonio Ave., Third Floor Atrium, El Paso, Texas 79901.

Emergency Ballot due to Sickness or Physical Condition

A qualified voter is eligible to vote a late ballot if the voter has a sickness or physical condition that originates on or after the day before the last day for submitting an application for a ballot to be voted by mail (Texas Election Code, Sections 82.002, 102.001, 102.002 and 102.003). A qualified voter is eligible if the voter:

The following do not constitute sufficient cause to entitle a voter to vote under Subsection(a):

The Application for Emergency Early Voting Ballot Due to Sickness or Physical Disability must be submitted in person to the Early Voting Clerk located at 500 E. San Antonio Ave., Suite 314, El Paso, Texas 79901.

Note: An application may be submitted after the last day of the Early Voting period by personal appearance and before 5:00 p.m. on Election Day. To be eligible to serve as an applicant’s representative, a person:

Emergency Ballot due to Death in Immediate Family

A qualified voter is eligible to vote a late ballot if the voter will be absent from the county of residence on Election Day because of death of a person related to the voter within the second degree by consanguinity or affinity, as determined under Chapter 573, Government Code, and the death occurs on or after the day before the last day of the period for Early Voting by personal appearance (Texas Election Code, 103.001).

The Application for Emergency Early Voting Ballot Due to Death in the Family must be submitted in person to the Early Voting Clerk located at 500 E. San Antonio Ave., Suite 314, El Paso, Texas 79901.

Note: An application may be submitted after the last day of the Early Voting period by personal appearance and before close of business on the day before Election Day.

For more information on any of the content, please contact our office at (915) 273-3597.