To temporarily register and request Early Voting ballots for members of armed forces, their spouses and dependents, members of merchant marines, their spouses and dependents, United States citizens domiciled in Texas but temporarily living outside of the U.S., United States citizens dwelling outside the U.S. (Also used for Chapter 114 federal ballot procedure for overseas citizens whose intent to return is uncertain, but whose most recent domicile is Texas).
*Federal law defines “overseas” as anywhere outside the United States.
Here are two resources for obtaining an automated FPCA:
All applications to vote by mail must be received by the early voting clerk not later than the 11th day before Election Day by the close of regular business or 12 noon, whichever is later. Unless that day is a Saturday, Sunday or legal state or national holiday, in which case the last day is the first preceding regular business day.
Your application is valid for one calendar year (January-December). If you move please notify us as soon as possible.
Mail your ballot in the envelope provided by mail or common or contract carrier. A ballot may not be returned to the Early Voting Clerk by any other method. If military voter (or spouse or dependent) in hostile fire pay/imminent danger pay/combat zone, your voted ballot may be faxed using authorized channels to (915) 273-3574.
The Early Voting Clerk must receive your voted ballot no later than 7:00 p.m. Election Day or by the 6th day after Election Day if your ballot is submitted from outside the United States.
The federal Military and Overseas Voters Empowerment Act (MOVE) created new requirements for states to provide FPCA voters a method to track the status of their ballot in federal elections. The Texas Secretary of State’s Office provides a ballot tracking website, please click the link below.
The Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot is the federal form voters may use to vote before an election if they have not received their official ballot. A voter who has submitted their FPCA, but has not received the official ballot, may use the FWAB as a write-in ballot to ensure that their vote is received. We encourage voters to contact us at (915) 273-3597 or to confirm that their FPCA was successfully processed before submitting a FWAB.
The FWAB can only be mailed to:
Early Voting Clerk
500 E. San Antonio Ave., Suite #314
El Paso, Texas 79901
Please click below to download form:
Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot Form (PDF)
Thank you for voting by mail! We still wanted to make sure you’re able to celebrate casting your vote, so we’ve created a digital “I Voted” sticker.
Save one of the images below on your phone or computer. Share it on your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to show your voting pride!