Ballot by Mail is available to the elderly, the sick or disabled, voters who are incarcerated but still have voting rights and those who will be out of the county on Election Day. An Application for a Ballot by Mail (ABBM) must be filled out and submitted to the Early Voting Clerk before the close of regular business in the Early Voting Clerk’s office, or 12 noon, whichever is later, on the 11th day before Election Day, unless that day is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal state or national holiday, in which case the last day is the first preceding regular business day. An ABBM must be received, not postmarked, by last day of the application period no later than 5:00 p.m.
Once received, the Early Voting Clerk will send the requested ballot within seven days. Completed ballots must be received by the Early Voting Clerk by Election Day. The USPS advises to plan for a return timeframe of 7-10 days. The recommended postage is $0.70. Ballots may also be dropped off in person at the El Paso County Courthouse with valid I.D. only on Election Day.
During the Early Voting period, voters can go to ANY Early Voting Location to cast their ballot. Use the website or mobile app to find the closest Early Voting Location, hours of operation, and real-time wait times.
Voters no longer have to vote at a specific location within their precinct. On Election Day, voters can go to ANY Election Day Vote Center to cast their ballot. Use the website or mobile app to find the closest Election Day Vote Center and real-time wait times.
Voters will no longer be able to vote straight ticket. Voters will have to manually select each candidate they want to vote for. Voters are invited to bring their filled out sample ballot with them to use as a reference while voting, if needed.
If a voter is physically unable to enter the voting place without assistance or likelihood of injury to his or her health, they may ask that a poll worker bring a voting unit during Early Voting or Election Day to their car at the entrance of the voting place. All curbside voters will be allowed the same privacy as a voter at the voting booth.
For more information please contact our office at (915) 273-3597.