El Paso County
Elections Department
Lisa Wise, Elections Administrator
Countdown To Election Day
May 3, 2025
0 d 0 h 0 m
El Paso County
Elections Department
Lisa Wise, Elections Administrator
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Provisional Voting

Provisional ballots are used to ensure that all voters are able to cast a ballot even if voter eligibility is uncertain at the time the voter votes. Provisionals should be offered during the Early Voting period and on Election Day at all voting sites. Remember, voters do not have to come in person to the main Early Voting Location to perform this process. A voter may vote provisionally if they do not have an acceptable form of identification. If a voter (a) does not possess one of the seven acceptable forms of photo identification, and a voter can reasonably obtain one of these forms of identification or (b) possesses, but did not bring to the polling place, one of the seven forms of acceptable photo identification listed above, or (c) does not possess one of the seven forms of acceptable photo identification, could otherwise not obtain one due to a reasonable impediment, but did not bring a supporting form of identification to the polling place, the voter may cast a provisional ballot at the polls. However, in order to have the provisional ballot counted, the voter will be required to visit the voter registrar’s office within six calendar days of the date of the election to either present one of the acceptable forms of photo ID OR submit one of the temporary affidavits (e.g., religious objection or natural disaster) in the presence of the county voter registrar OR submit the required paperwork and sign the required statement to qualify for a permanent disability exemption in the presence of the county voter registrar, in order for the provisional ballot to count.

For a list of acceptable identifications, visit the Identification Required for Voting page.

Reasons for voting provisionally:

  1. Failed to present acceptable form of photo identification, a supporting form of identification with an executed Reasonable Impediment Declaration, or voter registration certificate with exemption.
  2. Voter not on list of registered voters.
  3. Voter on list of people who voted early by mail, and voter has not surrendered mail ballot, presented a Notice of Improper Delivery, or presented Notice of Surrendered Ballot.
  4. Voting after 7:00 p.m. due to court order.
  5. Voter on list, but registered residence address is outside the political subdivision for which the voter is seeking to vote.

The following oath is in print when signing the Affidavit of Provisional Voter: “I am a registered voter of this political subdivision and in the precinct in which I’m attempting to vote and have not already voted in this election (either in person or by mail). I am a resident of this political subdivision, have not been finally convicted of a felony or if a felon, I have completed all of my punishment including any term of incarceration, parole, supervision, period of probation, or I have been pardoned. I have not been determined by a final judgement of a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote. I understand that giving false information under oath is a misdemeanor, and I understand that it is a felony of the 2nd degree to vote in an election for which I know I am not eligible unless I am convicted of an attempt, in which event it is a state jail felony.”

A determination whether a provisional ballot is accepted or rejected will be made by the Early Voting Ballot Board after the election. A notice will be mailed to the provisional voter 30 days after the election to the address provided on the Affidavit of Provisional Voter.

If voting a provisional ballot due to marking reason 1 on the Affidavit of Provisional Voter, you will be required to visit the El Paso County Elections Department within six days from Election Day to present an acceptable form of photo identification or if you do not possess and cannot reasonably obtain one, present an acceptable supporting document.

For more information, please call our office at (915) 273-3597.