Click each heading below to view resources and information about the current election.
Below are printable versions of the orders and notices in PDF format.
Accessible Personalized Sample Ballot (link)
(This site allows you to review and print your personalized interactive sample ballot. Audio-enabled and accessible for voters with disabilities.)
Below are printable versions of the sample ballots in PDF format.
Below are printable versions of the Early Voting Locations in PDF format.
Below are the Early Voting Statistics, by date/by location, and Ballot by Mail Statistics, by date/ballots mailed out/mail ballots returned. These statistics will be published daily during the Early Voting period before 10:00 a.m. (Mountain Time).
Pursuant to Texas Election Code, Section 87.121, the El Paso County Elections Department will provide a roster with information on persons who voted an early voting ballot by personal appearance or an early voting ballot by mail. This list will be updated each business day approximately one hour after all Early Voting Locations have finished processing voters for that day. This list is available for candidates and campaigns to download.
If the list will not be available that evening due to delays, we will post a notice informing when the list should become available.
To download the file to your computer:
1. Right click on the link
2. Click on “Save Link As”
December 2024 City of El Paso & City of Socorro Runoff Election
Below are printable versions of Election Day Vote Centers in PDF format.
Below are printable versions of the election night results in PDF format.
All Election Board meetings are closed to the public unless appointed as a Poll Watcher under the Texas Election Code, Sections 33.051 and 33.055. All meetings are located at the El Paso County Courthouse, 500 E. San Antonio Avenue, 79901, 3rd Floor Atrium.
Signature Verification Committee
Early Voting Ballot Board
Central Count Opening Board