El Paso County
Elections Department
Lisa Wise, Elections Administrator
Countdown To Election Day
May 3, 2025
0 d 0 h 0 m
El Paso County
Elections Department
Lisa Wise, Elections Administrator
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Volunteer Deputy Registrar Information

If you would like to serve as a Volunteer Deputy Registrar for El Paso County, you have a few options:

  • Walk-in Training: Our office will continue to deputize walk-in’s Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; excluding holidays. The training should take approximately 30 to 45 minutes to complete.
  • In-Person Class Training: Our office is currently offering in-person class trainings. The training should take approximately one hour to complete and classes will be offered once a month. For locations, dates and times and to sign up for a class training, please visit 2025 Volunteer Deputy Registrar-Class Registration.
  • Certification from Another Texas County: If you took the training as a Volunteer Deputy Registrar in another Texas County, stop by our office Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and bring your Volunteer Deputy Registrar certificate. We will make a copy for our records and provide you with your El Paso County certificate and supplies.
  • Private Training: We are currently offering private trainings for local groups, organizations and businesses. Your organization must provide a training room at a facility of your choice that will accommodate all attendees and trainer(s). In order to reserve the date and time, please complete the Volunteer Deputy Registrar Training Request Form. Please email the executed request form to Marco A. Covarrubias, M.Covarrubias@epcounty.com. Our office must receive your request at least two weeks prior to the training.
  • Virtual Training: We are currently offering virtual trainings for local groups, organizations and businesses. If interested, send us an email at epelections@epcounty.com. Note: Attendees will need access to Microsoft Teams in order to get credit and receive their certification.

Note: After every voter registration deadline, no virtual or private trainings will be scheduled until five business days after every election.

To be appointed a Volunteer Deputy Registrar, a person must:

  1. Be at least 18 years old
  2. Be a United States Citizen
  3. Not have been determined by a final judgement of a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be: 3.1 Totally mentally incapacitated, or
    3.2. Partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.
  4. Never have been convicted of failing to deliver a Voter Registration Application to a Voter Registrar
  5. Not have been convicted of a felony, or, if convicted must have:
    5.1. Fully discharged the sentence, including any term of incarceration, parole, or supervision, or completed a period of probation ordered by any court, or
    5.2. Be pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disability to vote.
  6. Not have been finally convicted of identity theft under Section 32.51 of the Penal Code
  7. Be a resident of the State of Texas

A Volunteer Deputy Registrar may distribute and accept a Voter Registration Application form from any resident of El Paso County, Texas and distribute and accept applications from voters who wish to change or correct information on his/her Voter Registration Certificate (such as name and/or address).

You may be appointed at any time. Volunteer Deputy Registrar appointments made during 2025-2026 expire December 31, 2026. By law, all Volunteer Deputy Registrar appointments expire on December 31 of even-numbered years. Your appointment may be terminated by the appointing authority if you fail to properly review a Voter Registration Application. Your appointment as a Volunteer Deputy Registrar will be terminated by the appointing authority if:

  1. You fail to deliver a completed Voter Registration Application to the Voter Registrar, or
  2. You are finally convicted of an offense under the law relating to performance-based compensation for Voter Registration Applications.

The following form will be provided by our office staff. Should you desire to complete the form prior to the training, you can do so.